Baby loss, coming out and the Inner Critic: My most candid podcast ever
Catch my conversation with Gayle Keller
‘Theodora Speaks: The Connection to Loss’
on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you prefer to pod.
It is a rare relief to sit with someone, and find that nothing you can say makes them turn you away.
Your pain.
Your righteous anger.
Your vulnerabilities.
All 100% welcome.
I found this rare harbour back in December with wonderful speaker, advisor and coach Gayle Keller, when she interviewed me for her inspiring podcast about 'risk-taking women', Theodora Speaks.
Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you pod.
Given that Gayle is an advocate for women taking calculated risks in their careers, it should have come as no surprise to me that she would be more than willing to hold the 'emotional risks' of our far-ranging conversation.
But listening back to the conversation, I was shocked at how honest I was about some of the most painful and complex experiences of my life...
BABY LOSS - My journey with baby loss and grief, and what I believe employers, families and friends need to do to support those going through it with greater wisdom and compassion.
OWNING MY SEXUALITY - Why I finally came out as bisexual to my family at 34, and how I am now healing myself from internalised homophobia and bi-phobia. A process that's giving me even more compassion and admiration for my clients who do self-acceptance work with me.
BUILDING COMMUNITY - How building my Jewish community Makor Hayim over the past 4.5 years has built me, too, and helped me integrate my identities as a Jewish, bisexual woman.
THE INNER CRITIC - The hilarious yet cutting cartoon form my own Inner Critic takes (spoiler alert: she sings). And the methods I take I manage her, and support my client to manage theirs.
LEGACY - My motivation for doing the work I do around leadership, inclusion and wellbeing. And how I believe that living by the Rebel Leadership framework I teach (Rebel Authenticity, Rebel Balance and Rebel Courage) can help me create a better reality for my daughter.
I've concluded that this was one of the most frank, honest and real conversations I've had in my life. With anyone. Ever.
Now it's being released to the world, in some ways, the vulnerability headache is real.
And I also feel so proud and moved to be able to share it with you, thanks to wonderful Gayle whose equanimity and grace made this possible.
So, dear reader...
If you have been thrust onto the rollercoaster of grief, and not known where to turn...
If you want to feel more confident supporting those who are grieving loss, at work and in life...
If you want to learn how your organisation can support parents suffering from baby loss, or grief more widely...
If you wish you could find acceptance for parts of your identity, or stop wrestling with your Inner Critic and find some peace...
If you want to feel some hope that you CAN make change in the world...
...then I hope you'll find something in this conversation that is just for you.
Have a listen - I would love to hear what you think.
Theodora Speaks: The Connection to Loss
Tune into Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you pod.
If you have experienced baby loss, I am so sorry.
Feel free to check out my blog ‘No More Normal: Grief & Growth in Baby Loss Awareness Week’ where I recommend tried-and-tested resources.
You can also Book a free 30-minute Possiblity Call with me to explore how I might support you to heal and flourish again.
Are you ready to see yourself and your leaders flourishing?
Are you or your organisation experiencing overwhelm and stuckness?
Do you find yourself reacting hastily rather than responding powerfully?
I’d love to help you discover easier, smoother and more powerful leadership
through my Rebel Leadership Framework.