Career change or life leap giving you cold feet? You need some Ruby Slippers.
A poem from me, and an invitation from Kate Van Akin
You know you’re not happy as things are.
You’ve been complaining to anyone who’ll listen - your partner, your friends, your colleagues - about all the things that aggravate you.
Part of you is SO ready to jump ship, start something new.
And yet, a fearful part of you is holding you back - having you choose again and again the unsatisfying certainty of what is, over the uncertain promise of what could be.
I’m afraid I’m no Glinda. I have no magic answer to that fear. But for those willing to dare a little, there IS a way through.
Here’s my latest poem in honour of Kate Van Akin’s new FREE self-guided coaching journey Ruby Slippers (scroll down to learn more).
If you’re feeling ready/not ready to embrace a big change, this one’s for you…
Ruby Slippers - The Long Way
The thing about Ruby Slippers is,
One way or another
They get you home.
Yes, with the right whisper in your ear,
A little heel-clicking practice,
You could be home in a flash.
How easy. How swift.
But what a loss
If you landed in Munchkinland
And clicked your heels right away.
No flying monkeys
Or wicked witches.
No treacherous poppies.
Or lying wizards.
But also no technicolour breakthroughs.
No crucible for your courage.
No friendships forged in fire.
Never discovering what was here all along.
So until that whisper comes
(Or in case it never does)
The first step is to slip on those shoes –
That feel too big, that aren’t yet yours -
And put one foot in front of the other.
Admiring now and again
The way the scarlet winks
Against the twinkling gold brick
Or the emerald avenues
Or the forest floor.
But mostly
Relying on them to carry you to and through
Whatever Comes Next.
Trusting they will get you home
In the End.
So, what do you say?
Is it time to stop waiting on a whisper
And embrace the long way?
If so, pick up your brogues, your ballet pumps, your boots
And paint them red.
A promise to yourself.
If so, place one foot and then the other
On this path that’s shrouded in mist.
A practice of faith.
If so, find your people.
Soften enough to link your arms, and perhaps your fate, with theirs.
A companionship for the way.
In short, trust that once you start this dance
Of brain, heart, courage and feet,
It will lead you the long way somewhere called ‘Home.’
I cannot say what you’ll find there.
But may it be enlivening, familiar, true,
And undeniably yours.
Yes, this week I've had The Wizard of Oz on my mind.
Not just because I’ve been in bed with COVID Take #2 and TWoO is one of my two comfort films of choice (the other is Hook - RIP my idol Robin Williams).
But also because my dear friend and colleague Kate Van Akin is launching her blog and self-discovery journey Ruby Slippers next week.
Some of you may know Kate's Friday Pause newsletter on LinkedIn. She's deeply wise, both energetic and energising. And like me, she's on a mission to support people to find their way to authentic flourishing and fulfilment - a.k.a find their way home.
Kate says…
I started Ruby Slippers to be more than a blog.It's a self-guided, self-paced coaching journey designed for people who are facing some sort of disruption, are at a crossroads in life, or have a sense they are not living a life that feels fully true to themselves, based on wisdom drawn from the story The Wizard of Oz.
Over the course of six months, through a series of blog posts, we'll be exploring questions about meaning, happiness, and authenticity through blog posts featuring self-reflection questions, interviews, music, poetry, and book reviews.
All materials are absolutely free - my wish is that this helps as many people as possible.
We'll be kicking off the journey with a live one-hour virtual event on April 13 at 19:00 GMT - you can register here if you'd like to join!
See you on the yellow brick road :)
Me and Kate airing out our laundry and plotting about Ruby Slippers at our favourite local Italian, Caffe Mamma.
If you’re building up the courage for your next big change, I’d love to connect.