Rebel Leadership: The Course
Our wider cultures aren’t designed for human flourishing.
So, let’s make sure our working culture is.
In a world diminished by performativity, hustle culture, and systemic inequity, unlock your people’s flourishing and high performance at all levels.
It’s time to Rebel Up, and deepen your whole organisation’s capacity for Authentic, Balanced and Courageous leadership.
My modular flagship Mastermind, run in 2-hour online sessions over 10 months, trains leaders in the insights and practices they need to create cultures of flourishing in a broken world.
The programme’s modules are customisable to your organisation’s unique people and culture goals, and the conversations you feel are most important to lead.
Modules include:
Rebel Authenticity
STRENGTHS - Harness your Strengths, and lead with more ease and less effort
INNER CRITIC - Disarm your Inner Critic so you can take risks and drive change without fear
IDENTITY & PRIVILEGE - Declare your Identity & Privilege so you can find your place in creating a more just and equitable organisation
Rebel Balance
SELF & COMMUNITY CARE – Prioritise practical self-care and community-care to resource yourself, even when (especially when!) ‘there’s no time’
BOUNDARIES - Protect your time, energy and attention, so you can make aligned decisions and live within your body budget
REQUESTS - Delegate & make powerful requests, to better harness help from co-conspirators and reap the benefits of your support network
Rebel Courage
INTEGRITY - Articulate what you stand for, so that you can lead in alignment with your values and make a difference to others
SAFETY & VULNERABILITY - Name your truth and your limits, to model more human and connected leadership
Wield your power in healthy, accountable ways. Retrain your 'guilt/shame' responses so that you can dismantle oppressive systems, and take accountability when you mess up

What Rebel Leadership Participants Say…