Paradox Power: Embracing our contradictions at the Feminine Power exhibition
Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele brings raging lava AND new life.
But she is no contradiction. And neither are you, Rebel Leader.
TA: This blog mentions the rape of Medusa.
A couple of weeks ago, I visited the British Museum’s exhibition, Feminine Power: From the Divine to the Demonic, where I hoped to get some inspiration ahead of COVN’s first in-person workshop in London.
In the dimmed gallery, goddesses, witches, matriarchs from all corners of the world found their spotlight. Their images were interspersed with words from contemporary feminist activists and thinkers, as well as female devotees whose religious practice elevates the Divine Feminine - Muslims, Hindus, Christians, those who practice Wicca.
I glanced from face to powerful face, my two-year-old daughter darted between me and the assembled deities like a tiny swallow. I have never been in the presence of so much feminine spiritual energy from different traditions in one place before.
In a world where men and masculinity are over-represented in power, I imagine few of us have.
As I wandered the gallery I found myself humming one of my favourite songs - ‘Never One Thing' by May Erlewine.
The song captures something of the spirit of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s famous TED Talk 'The Danger of a Single Story.'
In it, Erlewine claims for her own a range of seemingly contradictory qualities, defying anyone who would limit her experience to a single dimension...
I’m the underbelly
I am the claw
Never one thing, no,
Never one thing at all
I am hope, I am defeat
I am broken, I am complete
I am the grace, I am the fall
Never one thing no, not one thing at all
I am the beggar, I am the queen
I am the end, I am the means
I am the hammer, I am the wall
Never one thing no, not one thing at all
The song circled my head as I walked among the goddess icons, holy women and sorceresses. So many of them seemingly more contradictory than congruent...
...Indian goddess Kali wields destruction AND protection.
...Tibetan goddess Tara is unknowably transcendent, AND compassionately present.
...Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes Pele (pictured above) brings raging lava, AND the promise of new life.
...Greek gorgon Medusa’s story is one of a petrifying monster wreaking havoc, AND of a girl raped in Athena’s temple, unjustly punished for a man's crime against her.
...Witches in Europe were vilified AND secretly sought out for their spells and healing powers.
In other words, feminine power refused to be reduced to a single dimension. And for all their divine power, these femmes are deeply human.
As a woman and as a rebel for human potential, I found the recurring 'AND' of this experience deeply affirming.
Perhaps, as the exhibition's title 'From the Divine to the Demonic' suggests, reclaiming the feminine within us can be a journey of accepting our contradictions and polarities. And even recognising how the construct of gender begins to disintegrate when we welcome all sides of ourselves - even the ones that don’t conform to gendered norms.
In a world of dominant narratives and 'shoulds' that diminish women and those with femme expression, we quickly internalise the idea that parts of ourselves are unwelcome, to be hidden, suppressed or even vocally rejected.
All the more so if we are navigating the complexity of marginalisation - racism, heteronormativity, cis-sexism, ableism - that has us internalise Harmful Internalised Stories and Standards (HISSes) that have us counting ourselves out.
As an Integral Coach, I aim to help clients rehome and heal those parts of themselves that they thought they needed to cast out to find acceptance.
I must admit, these goddesses stirred in me tremors of abundant power I have yet to fully reclaim for myself. Finding traces of their power in my own life and experience felt like a welcome act of Rebel Leadership.
Whatever your gender identity, I wonder what it might be like to bring more of the contradictory yet integrating power of these ancient femmes to your leadership...
The fierce compassion to be with people's suffering, rather than running from it
The bold creativity to imagine and cultivate new solutions
The righteous anger to halt what harms, to dismantle what no longer works
The sublime grace of surrender and acceptance when you can do no more
The unapologetic ownership of your gifts – and the generosity to share them with others
I really recommend you visit the exhibition. And if you do, I’d love to hear what you think...
COVN: A space for women to claim their full power
Our wonderful COVN Faculty on our recent call
As you may know, I am Founding Faculty of COVN, the women’s liberatory coaching collective.
We believe that every woman - cis or trans - is already enough.
She just needs the right conditions to reclaim her true power.
Our holistic support system includes mindset, somatic (body) and community care practices so that each person can grow on their own terms & no one has to do it alone.
Join us for The Possibility, our one-day group coaching workshop, in London on Sunday 4th September
Join the wait-list to apply for The Invitation, our 12-week immersive community growth programme starting Sunday 18th September
Or sign up here to hear more news about COVN